In Tents
In Tents
I just got a license to drive, and I'm only five
It's not for a car a bus a truck a plane or train
It's for something that can dive
Down, down, down we'll go
To move and shake and make some waves on the ocean floor below
In our tambourine submarine
It's a mean green rhythm machine
A tambourine submarine
It's powered by rhythm,
Hear the jingle jangle beat that gets the big propeller spinning around
The periscope's up, we're looking for a crew, could it be you
To dance around to the sound
Down, down, down we'll go
To move and shake and make some waves on the ocean floor below
In our tambourine submarine
It's a mean green rhythm machine
A tambourine submarine
Its powered by rhythm,
Hear the jingle jangle beat that gets the big propeller spinning around
CHORUS: Pop pop pop
Pop pop pop pop Corn
Pop pop pop
Pop pop pop pop
We can smell it cooking from a mile away
We could eat hundred million pounds a day
Piled high in a bucket
Or red striped sack
Everybody give it up for our favorite snack
So bring out the pans, bring out the pots
Mama turns on the stove and gets the oil hot
Throw some in, to begin
We give a hop
We don't stop until the last pop in the tin
And if you're desperate we've saved a bag that has to be microwaved
To say we've buttered up, well there's a kernel of truth
My sis loves kettle corn, she has a sweet tooth
So catch you all in September at the county fair
Wherever there's popping you know you'll find us there
Sit and Spin
Look at this scene
The tilt a whirl it towers over me
And as I watch this crazy spinning machine
I'm turning green
Not today
And I can see
Why all these kids in line are older than me
And everytime I hear the riders scream
They're screaming at me
There is no way
But the line is getting shorter
And my feet are stuck in mortar
Going down down down down down down
I'm getting even sadder as
They climb up the ladder
I'll stick a round round round round round round (x3)
CHORUS: Well first we sit and then we spin
That was insane
The tilt a whirl it spun me to my frame
I told the voices that are in my brain
It wasn't lame and I'm okay
I'm feeling fine
So I decide to run back into the line
And this time I see a boy who's nine
Looking at the incline who says "no way"
So I grab him by the shoulder
And suggest that he be bolder
Don't frown frown frown frown frown frown
And maybe to appease me
Or because he just believes me
He turn it upside down down down down
Ladies and Gentelmen, stand on up and sit right down: It's time for the ride of your life!!! Tilt-a-Whirl Sit Annnnd Spin!
Human Cannonball
CHORUS: Human Cannonball
Shot from a cannon, like she's shot from a cannon
She's the human cannonball
She took off from the bedroom
Launched from the mattress to the hall
At a million miles an hour
She's the human cannonball
She's racing through the kitchen
Too fast to hear me call
She's a red and purple blur
We call the human cannonball
CHORUS: Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, human cannonball
At speeds that make us dizzy
Lego towers crash and fall
As do the pictures on the fridge
Cause she's the human cannonball
Somebody get this kid a helmet
And super-glue it to her head
She just can't stop her racing
Even when it's time for bed...
Our... house... is...
CHORUS: An Odditorium
Where the strange things grow
An unusual show
An Odditorium
Weirdly we go
Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa
Big sister's working on a lint pillow
And when she hears the dryer buzz
She races to collect the fuzz
To make a grey and matted nest
On which her unique head will rest
And little brother's got his bug museum
A dozen specimens lie still
He found them on the windowsill
Two bees, three spiders, and four house flies
Three centipedes, you won't believe your eyes
Step inside
And both of our pets
Are quite peculiar too
The cat can play tunes
On little sister's kazoo
The dog joins the fun
By howling along
Our two furry friends
Make the silliest song
And when we're sitting at the breakfast table
Well it's the oddest we've seen yet
Mom mustards everything she gets
Mustard on eggs and toast and pancakes too
It's on her yogurt and fruit and French toast too
Mustard, ew
Bouncy House
I get so jumpy bouncin off the walls
Sometimes I just can't calm down
Cabin fever, my Mama tells me that
I Gotta keep my feet on the ground and slow down
I wish the whole world were bouncy
CHORUS: Bouncy House
I want to go to the Bouncy House
When it's rainy I'm goin crazy cuz
I'm gonna have to stay inside
No one to play with
The park's so muddy and
I'm gettin all googly eyed, Bona fide
I wish the whole world were bouncy
I couldn't believe my eyes: Mamma had a surprise
She took me to castles and trampolines
A giant slide in a jungle scene
People wonder how these bouncy houses
Are so inflated
But you won't catch me ever saying that
they're overrated
So here I am now, I'm in the bouncy house
And all my dreams have come true
I'm bouncing high now in zero gravity
I think you should join in too, with no shoes
Race cross the pier to the carousel
Those lights draw me near to the carousel
Dad lifts me up on a perfect horse
I'm setting off on a dreamy course
CHORUS: And it's up and down
Spinning round and round
You zoom past
It's so fast
And it feels like I'm floating away
Look down at my horse, as real as can be
I feel its heartbeat, it gives a whinny
Giddy up from the pier, high above the sea
Back over the hills, past the city
We slow to a trot
The ride is at its' end
But when I close my eyes
I can see again
When we're walking down the street everybody
Does a double take
You in your red stripes and me in my red stripes
Oh what a pair we make
You can finish any sentence I start to mutter
I do the same for you
We can speak in our very own secret language
Joined at the hip we two
CHORUS: Oh yeah we're just like twins
And we sing oh-whoa-oh
Open up your lunch, look we both have bananas
We both have cheese sticks too
I'll eat the frosting from the middle of my cookie
Just like you
Riding round for all to see on a trike
That's built just for two
We drive around and around and around and around
The way best friends do
Sometimes we don't agree
And things get rocky
But my mama says as we both grow
There will always be a little something special
Between you and me
I Could See (Magically)
I was sitting in the classroom holding a book
I really wanted to read but I was afraid to take a look
Cause every word was bumping into the next one
It was blurry as could be
I felt like something was wrong
Something was wrong with me
What it was… I just couldn't see
I knew all of the letters, I knew all of their sounds
I knew some words but they never looked right when reading time came round'
So last Tuesday after school after I wrote my spelling list
Dad took me to a doctor
She's called the Optometrist
There was a puff of air in each eye
A bright light moving side to side
A big metal contraption swung in front of me
She said option A or option B
Or was C, D, E, F or G?
And magically…
CHORUS: I could see everything in front of me
I could see far away so clearly
So i got fitted with some glasses
I was a spectacle for sure
I didn't just have two eyes
I had the power of four
Yeah was it was just like a bit of magic
When I picked up the book again
I saw what I was missing
And read all the way to the very end
What it was, quite visibly was...
CHORUS, In high fidelity!
House of Cards
We're living in a house of cards
And we're all in this together
We're living in a house of cards
And we always wish for rainy weather
Momma is a card shark
When she plays Go Fish
You know you better stay out of the deep end
And Sister's kinda crazy
When it comes to Crazy Eights
We know she'll keep on playing until night's end
Cause we're living in a house of cards
We don't walk around, we shuffle
We're living in a house of cards
And if we lose the deck there's a kerfuffle
Grandma never plays old maid
Says it's not a nice name
But she plays nearly every other card game
And I'll stake my Uno claim
And my dad, he's the same
We think that Pinochle should be our last name
And we're living in a house of cards
No one here is afraid of some luck
And we're living in a house of cards
But we never play that 52 card pickup
Now some say a smart phone is really what I need
That a console will make me all agog
But this pack of cards in font of me is all I see
I prefer analog
Well there is,
(Drew) Blackjack, Slapjack, Pitty Pat and Baccarat
(Jack) Canasta, Let it Ride, Gin Rummy on the side
(Dean) Euchre, Poker, Zap Your Neighbor, Pegs and Jokers
(Daron) Kings Corners and Hi-Low, shuffle up and watch it go
(Drew) Sequence and Solitaire, Contract Bridge and Guldgrävare
(Jack) Texas Hold Em, Twenty one, and Mah Jong is pretty fun
(Dean) Got yer Hearts, and the Spades And don't forget Old Maid?
(Daron) Get yer cards and the games, they've all got peculiar names
We're living in a house of cards
We're starting up a little operation
To help the neighbors with their dehydration
We've got a table, a poster too
We're mixing up some lemonade for you
CHORUS: Hey mister, what about some lemonade?
Hey ma'am, what about some lemonade?
Hey kids, how's about some lemonade?
Open up your piggy banks, your wallet and your purse
We've got the stuff to satisfy your thirst
Just 25 cents!
Much obliged, ma'am
We're earning quarters on a sunny day
Serving up refreshment on east acorn way
To kids on bikes, moms on the run
Business is brisk and we're having fun
Little sis is saving up for a trampoline
She's the biggest upseller you've ever seen
Me, I've sold about three dozen cups today
And I'm donating my share to the A-S-P-C-A
Crystal Ball
Hey kid you've been growing up through every amazing new thing
Each year you sit on the birthday chair you get so big, got a loose toothy grin
What will the future hold?
Is it wrapped up inside a crystal ball?
Ask the crystal ball what is ahead, what is in store
Dear crystal ball where will I be when I'm 64
Will I sing or invent a new thing or travel to places I've always dreamed of
Fortune tell, cast me a spell, will I find someone to love?
And will the future hold
All that's inside this crystal ball?
Dear crystal ball will I really drive a car when I'm sixteen
And this is a little more urgent, what should I be this Halloween?
What will the future hold?
Is it hiding a sparkling, unknowable, mysterious crystal ball?
Edwina Mae
CHORUS: Edwina Mae is in the spring play
But to get up on that stage, well, there's just no way
Sometimes she shrinks so small, you can barely see her at all
First it's her heartbeat, like the stomping of hooves
Then her legs get frozen, no they can't even move
Kids push around her, yeah they ramble about
The lead actors prance and they speak with a shout
Edwina the flower, will she wilt in the light
She's pushed to her mark, crippled with fright
In her mind she seems like she's of giant-size
And all the audience can't avert their eyes from her
And then her best friend Miss Sandy Lee
She plays the part of a bumblebee
Holds Edwina Mae by the hand
And the flower takes a stand
Edwina Mae had a part in the play
And she got up on that stage, one of her proudest days
She felt so tall, no it wasn't that bad after all
The Dancin' Bear
The bears lived at the edge of the wood
Doing everything that a bunch of bears should
Eating bugs and leaves
Scratching on trees
Hibernating for months with lots of ease
But the littlest bear I'm told,
She didn't seem to fit the normal bear mold
Dancing to the beat of the buzzing bees
And moving to the rhythm of the babbling creek
"Why are you acting like that?"
All the bears would say, and she replied,
"I'm just made this way
And I think today might be the day
To leave the wood okay
OOH-She's the Dancing Bear
Down the path just a mile away
Was a caravan of wagons all filled with hay
It was on the go, moving slow
With a painted sign: "Animal Circus Show"
There was a penguin at the wheel
She hit the breaks with a little squeal
"Want to join our crew? What do you do?"
And the bear let loose with a move or two
OOH-She's the Dancing Bear
They set up their tents in a little meadow
Where all the forest animals liked to go
And for three whole nights by firefly lights
The creatures took in all the marvelous sights
The was a sword swallowing dog
Followed by fire-juggling frog
Three acrobatic pigs on trapeze
But what brought the crowd to their knees
Was a little bear with sparkling dancing shoes
And the craziest set of dancing moves
Tapping left and right
She was quite a sight
And they chanted through the night
For the dancing bear!
Show on the Road
CHORUS: It's time to put this show on the road
It's time to pack my bags and get up and go
It's time to put this show on the road
It's time to pack our bags and get up and go
It's time to put this show on the road
And tell the funny stories to everyone you know
It feels like such a shame to be leaving
(show is over, show is over)
When it seems like we just set up this circus tent
(party's over, party's over)
Well we had lots of fun But the last act is done
I can feel the time slipping away (time is slippin')
How do you say goodbye to the greatest day?
(it'll never be like this again)
But I've got news for you There's something you can do
Remember that time is a thought in your mind
And if we all stick together we'll turn out fine
So before this chapter is over, Grab my hand
Hold it tight And every little thing that comes after this will be alright
And, when the last tent pole was put into the caravan
The wheels started turning
And the entire circus slowly crept away from town
Gazing from the windows of each car and truck
Tears streamed down the faces of the performers
As they longed for days gone by
The circus spotlights that had gone dim
But then, as if a beacon were up ahead, their eyes turned toward the road that lay in front of them
And the high flying adventures that waited ahead
And the caravan began picking up speed
And the circus moved toward the next town…
And the children of Springfield watched and waited until the caravan was out of sight.
In Tents
All words, images, ideas and popcorn butter
©Recess Monkey LLC, 2012